Our Mission & Vision

As a not-for-profit physician organization, Partners in Progressive Medical Education (PPME) was established in 2020 with 4 main objectives:

  • To complement government funded healthcare services by developing and promoting clinical education, dissemination and publication of information with respect to current and new developments in standards of healthcare and scientific literature on the pathophysiology, diagnosis, complications and treatment of various medical conditions.
  • To promote and provide funds for research into the cause, control and cure of various chronic and acute medical conditions, social factors in health risk and access to social services both in the preventative, as well as therapeutic aspects of these medical conditions.
  • To promote and participate in the education of healthcare professionals, ancillary healthcare stakeholders and the public pertaining to medical conditions, social factors and health risks relating to public health, including chronic and acute medical conditions.
  • To develop and sustain relationships with government agencies, healthcare organizations and other organizations in developing educational programs relating to various medical conditions, social factors and health risks relating to public health, including chronic and acute medical conditions.